Copayment Collection and Patient Assistance Programs

Copayment Collection and Patient Assistance Programs
Federal law is clear: a DME supplier must make a reasonable effort to collect copayments. All (or virtually all) commercial insurers, including Medicare Advantage Plan, impose the same requirement. If a DME supplier routinely waives or reduces copayments, it can be held liable under the federal anti-kickback statute, federal beneficiary inducement statute, and federal False Claims Act. In fact, many federal criminal and civil cases brought against DME suppliers (often at the instigation of a whistleblower) are based, in whole or in part, on the failure to make a reasonable effort to collect copayments. In the same vein, insurers will terminate agreements with suppliers on the basis of not making a reasonable effort to collect copayments.

This program will (i) discuss what it means to “make a reasonable effort” to collect copayments; (ii) discuss how a supplier can implement a financial hardship policy that allows the supplier to waive/reduce a copayment on a patient-by-patient basis; (iii) point out that the existence of such a financial hardship policy cannot be advertised; (iv) discuss how a DME supplier can implement a patient assistance program; and (v) discuss how a supplier can access charities that may be in the position to assist patients in paying their copayments.
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